Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Praying monkey

Monyet itu seolah-olah faham, bila mendengar perkataan allahuakhbar, ia pun sujud.
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Monyet pun pandai sujud syukur.

Apabila menerima duit yang di derma oleh penunton Monyet itu terus sujud syukur.
Sayu persaan melihatnya.
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Monday, July 21, 2008

Moulded cakes

Moulded cakes bought from King Confectionary PJ

Careful of what you put into your mouth.

I bought this Boston Cheese cake from King Confectionary in Section 14, Petaling Jaya. I'd eaten part of it, it tasted nasty unlike cheese cake taste. When I checked i found it was moulded. Brought it back to the shop. Had a hard time trying to claimed back my money, till I told the manager, I'll sue them if I get food poisoning. It took me almost 1/2 to get back my money, which wasn't much but still it is my hard earn money & my right not to get rotten food.

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Love your tea?? Picture taken at Tea Plantation in Bandung, Indonesia.

See what have been on the tea leaves.
Those leaves will be plucked, process and packed.
You buy them, brew the tea and drink it. yuk